Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Freeze Tag

6 Quirks of Maria

1. When I sleep in a bed I can't have the sheet tucked in on any of the sides or the back. I am always pulling the sheet out. If they are tucked in I can't sleep.

2. I have to have my toilet paper roll form the top. I always feel the need to change it no matter where I am at. I know this makes it easier for little children to pull it out and make a mess but who cares I have to have it that way.

3. I love to scrapbook, have people over to scrapbook, teach people how to scrapbook, but I hate scrap booking other peoples pictures.

4.  I hate to be late which is hard with four little kids.

5. I have to be in control of the money.  It works out great for Spencer and I. I am happy with how it is spent and he is happy that the bills get paid.

6. I love having children but have no patients. I feel like I am a chicken running around with my head cut off.  I am sure that all mom's feel that way at some point. Maybe it's worse because I am home-schooling and Spencer is gone. 

           Here are the rules
Link the person who tagged you
Tell about 6 quirks of yours
Tell 6 fellow bloggers to do the same
Leave a comment to let them know

I tag the following


1 comment:

Katie Webb said...

Hey, I'm having a really hard time reading your font. The color is hurting my eyes. Maybe its just me.