We had a pretty relaxed Thanksgiving we stayed home and enjoyed each others company. A couple of friends came by and spent some time with us. I am grateful that my family was able to spend this time together.
We bought a real christmas tree this year I am excited to see how it turns out. We had to drive around to find a stand for it but we did. Tomorrow we are going to decorate it the kids are so excited. (So am I) I love Christmas. I am sad that we won't have extended family around to share in the holidays.
We had a ward Thanksgiving dinner with all the missionaries in our area. We had around 20 missionaries. It was wonderful to be around them and to feel of their spirt. One area sung a song for us and another area did a dance.
We got there around 12:30 thinking we were late but ended up being 30 min. early. We hurried to warm up our sweet potatoes and haul out our pies and cranberries. On the drive over Spencer turned a corner and the sweet potatoes on my lamp dumbed over. We tried to catch them but the pan was hot just out of the oven. We did manage to save half of them so we served them up. During dinner Christina dropped her plate with desert on it, I caught half of it in my hand and the other ended up on the floor. Then she spilled her drink on me. By the time dinner was over I was ready to go home and shower. It was one of the best Thanksgiving dinners I have been to in a long time. I love the sprit that the missionaries bring everywhere they go.
Tonight Spencer and I went out with the Cox's we went to the new James Bond movie. (all movies at Camp Humpreys is free) Then we went and got Spencer 5 piece suit pictures coming soon. Then we went to dinner. Thankfully Bro. Cox speaks korean and was able to order for us. When we left the restaurant the Server/Owner told us that she was Christian and was glade to see that we had prayed over the meal. I am loving Korea and the experience's it has to offer and the friendships that I am building.
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving..